Mojtaba Soltanalian’s Journal Papers

J1M. Soltanalian and P. StoicaComputational Design of Sequences with Good Correlation PropertiesIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 60, no. 5, pp. 2180-2193, May 2012.  pdf ,  Slides
J10M. Soltanalian, H. Hu and P. StoicaSingle-Stage Transmit Beamforming Design for MIMO RadarSignal Processingvol. 102, pp. 132-138, Sep. 2014. Preprint
J11M. Soltanalian and P. StoicaOn Prime Root-of-Unity Sequences with Perfect Periodic CorrelationIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 62, no. 20, pp. 5458-5470, Oct, 2014. Appeared on the IEEE TSP Popular Articles list, Sep. 2014. Preprint
J12M. M. Naghsh, M. Soltanalian, P. Stoica, M. Masjedi, and B. OtterstenEfficient Sum-Rate Maximization for Large-Scale MIMO AF-Relay NetworksIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communicationsvol. 15, no. 9, pp. 6400-6411, Sept. 2016. Preprint
J13A. Kalantari, M. Soltanalian, S. Maleki, S. Chatzinotas, and B. OtterstenDirectional Modulation via Symbol-Level Precoding: A Way to Enhance SecurityIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processingvol. 10, no. 8, pp. 1478-1493, Dec. 2016. Preprint
J14M. Soltanalian, M. M. Naghsh, N. Shariati, P. Stoica, and B. HassibiTraining Signal Design for Correlated Massive MIMO Channel EstimationIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communicationsvol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1135-1143, Feb. 2017. Preprint
J15H. Hu, M. Soltanalian, P. Stoica, and X. ZhuLocating the Few: Sparsity-Aware Waveform Design for Active RadarIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 65, no. 3, pp. 651-662, Feb.1, 2017. Preprint
J16A. Bose and M. SoltanalianConstructing Binary Sequences With Good Correlation Properties: An Efficient Analytical-Computational InterplayIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 66, no. 11, pp. 2998-3007, June 2018.
J17A. Gharanjik, M. Soltanalian, B. Shankar, and B. OtterstenGrab-n-Pull: A Max-Min Fractional Quadratic Programming Framework with Applications in Signal and Information ProcessingSignal Processingvol. 160, pp. 1-12, Jul. 2019.
J18M. Maleki, K. Mohamed-Pour, and M. SoltanalianReceive Spatial Modulation in Correlated Massive MIMO with Partial CSIIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 67, no. 5, pp. 1237-1250, Mar. 2019.
J19M. Maleki, K. Mohamed-Pour, and M. SoltanalianLarge-System Mutual Information Analysis of Receive Spatial Modulation in Correlated Multi-Cell Massive MIMO NetworksIEEE Transactions on Communicationsvol. 67, no. 9, pp. 6071-6084, Sep. 2019.
J2M. Soltanalian, M. M. Naghsh, and P. StoicaA Fast Algorithm for Designing Complementary Sets of SequencesSignal Processingvol .93, pp. 2096-2102, 2013. pdf
J20A. Ameri, A. Bose, J. Li, and M. SoltanalianOne-Bit Radar Processing With Time-Varying Sampling ThresholdsIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 67, no. 20, pp. 5297-5308, Oct. 2019.  Appeared on the IEEE TSP Popular Articles list, Sep. 2019.
J21R. Lin, M. Soltanalian, B. Tang, and J. LiEfficient Design of Binary Sequences with Low Autocorrelation SidelobesIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingno. 24, pp. 6397-6410, Dec. 2019.
J22S. Khobahi, M. Soltanalian, F. Jiang, and A. SwindlehurstOptimized Transmission for Parameter Estimation in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networksno. 6, pp. 35-47, Oct. 2019.  Appeared on the IEEE TSIPN Popular Articles list, Nov. 2019.
J23S. Khobahi and M. SoltanalianModel-Based Deep Learning for One-Bit Compressive SensingIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 68, pp. 5292-5307, Sep. 2020.
J24A. Bose, S. Khobahi, and M. SoltanalianEfficient Waveform Covariance Matrix Design and Antenna Selection for MIMO RadarSignal Processingvol. 183, June 2021, 107985.
J25S. Sedighi, B. Shankar, M. Soltanalian, and B. OtterstenDoA Estimation Using Low-Resolution Multi-Bit Sparse Array MeasurementsIEEE Signal Processing Lettersvol. 28, pp. 1400-1404, June 2021.
J26S. Sedighi, B. Shankar, M. Soltanalian, and B. OtterstenOn the Performance of One-Bit DoA Estimation via Sparse Linear ArraysIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 69, pp. 6165-6182, Oct. 2021.
J27A. Bose, B. Tang, M. Soltanalian, and J. LiMutual Interference Mitigation for Multiple Connected Automotive Radar SystemsIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologyvol. 70, pp. 11062-11066, Oct. 2021.
J28S. Ghungrad, B. Gould, M. Soltanalian, S. Wolff, and A. HaghighiModel-Based Deep Learning for Additive Manufacturing: New Frontiers and ApplicationsManufacturing Lettersvol. 29, pp. 94-98, 2021.
J29S. Khobahi, N. Shlezinger, M. Soltanalian, and Y. C. EldarLoRD-Net: Unfolded Deep Detection Network with Low-Resolution ReceiversIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 69, pp. 5651-5664, Oct. 2021.
J3M. Soltanalian, B. Tang, J. Li, and P. StoicaJoint Design of the Receive Filter and Transmit Sequence for Active SensingIEEE Signal Processing Lettersvol. 20, no. 5, pp. 423-426, May 2013. pdf
J30H. R. Hashempour, M. Moradikia, H. Bastami, A. Abdelhadi, and M. SoltanalianFast and Robust LRSD-Based SAR/ISAR Imaging and DecompositionIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensingvol. 60, pp. 1-13, 2022.
J31Y. Zeng, S. Khobahi, and M. SoltanalianOne-Bit Compressive Sensing: Can We Go Deep and Blind?IEEE Signal Processing Lettersvol. 29, pp. 1629-1633, 2022.
J32K. Sherbert, N. Naimipour, H. Safavi, H. Shaw, and M. SoltanalianQuantum Compressive Sensing: Mathematical Machinery, Quantum Algorithms, and Quantum CircuitryApplied Sciencesvol. 12, no. 15, pp. 7525, 2022.
J33A. Eamaz, F. Yeganegi, and M. SoltanalianOne-Bit Phase Retrieval: More Samples Means Less Complexity?IEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 70, pp. 4618 - 4632, Sep. 2022.
J34A. Eamaz, F. Yeganegi, and M. SoltanalianCovariance Recovery for One-Bit Sampled Stationary Signals With Time-Varying Sampling ThresholdsSignal Processingvol. 206, pp. 108899, May 2023.
J35A. Eamaz, F. Yeganegi, and M. SoltanalianCovariance Recovery for One-Bit Sampled Non-Stationary Signals With Time-Varying Sampling ThresholdsIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 70, pp. 5222 - 5236, Oct. 2022.
J36Z. Esmaeilbeig, K. V. Mishra, A. Eamaz, and M. SoltanalianCramér–Rao Lower Bound Optimization for Hidden Moving Target Sensing via Multi-IRS-Aided RadarIEEE Signal Processing Lettersvol. 29, pp. 2422 - 2426, Nov. 2022.
J37S. Pinilla, K. V. Mishra, I. Shevkunov, M. Soltanalian, V. Katkovnik, and K. EgiazarianUnfolding-Aided Bootstrapped Phase Retrieval in Optical ImagingIEEE Signal Processing Magazinevol. 40, no. 2, pp. 46-60, Mar. 2023.
J38A. Eamaz, F. Yeganegi, and M. SoltanalianOn the Building Blocks of Sparsity MeasuresIEEE Signal Processing Lettersvol. 29, pp. 2667-2671, Dec. 2022.
J39A. Eamaz, F. Yeganegi, and M. SoltanalianMaRLI: Attack on the Discrete-Phase WISL Minimization ProblemIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 72, pp. 219 - 234, Dec. 2023.
J4M. M. Naghsh, M. Soltanalian, P. Stoica, M. Hashemi, A. De Maio and A. AubryA Doppler Robust Design of Transmit Sequence and Receive Filter in the Presence of Signal-Dependent InterferenceIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 62, no. 4, pp. 772-785, Feb. 2014. Appeared on the IEEE TSP Popular Articles list, Jan. 2014. pdf
J40X. Feng, L. Wu, Y. Zhao, Z. Zhao, K. Diao, and M. SoltanalianRecurrent Waveform Optimization for Desired Range-Doppler Profile with Low Probability of Interception: A Particle Filter ApproachIEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systemsvol. 60, no. 2, pp. 1899-1911, Apr. 2024.
J41A. Eamaz, F. Yeganegi, K. V. Mishra, and M. SoltanalianUNO: Unlimited Sampling Meets One-Bit QuantizationIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 72, pp. 997 - 1014, Jan. 2024.
J42Y. Chen, V. Monga, C. Wu, M. Soltanalian, D. Zhang, and D. ZhangEditorial for Special Issue on Emerging Wireless Sensing Technologies for Smart EnvironmentsAPSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processingvol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1 - 2, May 2024.
J43A. Eamaz, F. Yeganegi, D. Needell, and M. SoltanalianHarnessing the Power of Sample Abundance: Theoretical Guarantees and Algorithms for Accelerated One-Bit SensingIEEE Transactions on Information TheoryIn press, 2024.
J44A. Eamaz, F. Yeganegi, and M. SoltanalianMatrix Completion from One-Bit Dither SamplesIEEE Transactions on Signal ProcessingIn press, 2024.
J5M. Soltanalian, M. M. Naghsh, and P. StoicaOn Meeting the Peak Correlation BoundsIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 62, no. 5, pp. 1210-1220, 2014.  pdf ,  Sequence Sets
J6M. M. Naghsh, M. Hashemi, S. Shahbazpanahi, M. Soltanalian and P. StoicaUnified Optimization Framework for Multi-Static Radar Code Design using Information-Theoretic CriteriaIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 61, no. 21, pp. 5401-5416, 2013. pdf
J7L. Dai, M. Soltanalian and K. PelckmansOn the Randomized Kaczmarz AlgorithmIEEE Signal Processing Lettersvol. 21, no. 3, pp. 330-333, Mar. 2014. pdf
J8M. Soltanalian and P. StoicaDesigning Unimodular Codes via Quadratic OptimizationIEEE Transactions on Signal Processingvol. 62, no. 5, pp. 1221-1234, 2014. pdf
J9M. M. Naghsh, M. Soltanalian, P. Stoica and M. HashemiRadar Code Design for Detection of Moving TargetsIEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systemsvol. 50, no. 4, pp. 2762-2778, Oct. 2014. Appeared on the IEEE TAES Popular Articles list, Dec. 2014. Preprint